Securing the services of an experienced Orlando wrongful death truck accident attorney can help alleviate these burdens by seeking justice and monetary compensation for the loss you've suffered.

Orlando Wrongful Death Truck Accident Attorney | Pursuing Justice for Your Loved One

Accidents involving large tractor-trailers and commercial trucks lead to devastating outcomes, including the loss of life. Due to Florida’s rapid growth and high tourism, the state consistently ranks among the highest in total fatalities each year in the United States. When a loved one passes away in a fatal truck accident, it leaves families not only emotionally shattered but also dealing with unexpected financial burdens. Securing the services of an experienced Orlando wrongful death truck accident attorney can help alleviate these burdens by seeking justice and monetary compensation for the loss you’ve suffered.

At Paul | Knopf | Bigger, we understand that no amount of money can replace your loved one. However, financial compensation can provide stability and support during these challenging times. Let’s delve into how our legal team can assist you, the compensation we may pursue, and how we build a solid case to ensure justice is served. If you have questions, contact us at (800) 434-4327.

Compassionate Legal Representation for Fatal Truck Accident Victims

With over 60 years of combined experience and over a dozen attorneys, the personal injury lawyers at Paul | Knopf | Bigger have dedicated themselves to representing accident victims across Florida. We recognize the immense difficulties families face when dealing with the legal aspects of a deadly truck accident while simultaneously grieving their loss. Tragically, fatalities on Florida’s roadways are all too frequent.

Our goal is to shoulder the legal burdens for you, giving you the space to focus on healing. We handle all aspects of your case, from investigating the accident to negotiating with insurance companies and pursuing litigation when necessary. Our attorneys are committed to obtaining the compensation that will safeguard your family’s financial future while ensuring those responsible for your loved one’s death are held accountable.

when a fatal injury occurs, the law allows families to step outside the no-fault system and file a wrongful death lawsuit against the liable party.

Pursuing Compensation After a Fatal Truck Accident in Orlando

Florida’s no-fault insurance system requires drivers to carry personal injury protection (PIP) insurance. If your loved one had this coverage, we will file a claim and negotiate compensation on their behalf. However, when a fatal injury occurs, the law allows families to step outside the no-fault system and file a wrongful death lawsuit against the liable party.

As your Orlando wrongful death truck accident attorney, we will pursue several types of damages, including but not limited to:

  • Medical expenses incurred before your loved one’s passing
  • Funeral and burial costs
  • Lost income and benefits from the time of injury until death
  • Loss of future earnings and savings your loved one would have accumulated
  • Loss of companionship, guidance, and emotional support
  • Survivors’ mental pain and suffering

These damages aim to compensate surviving family members and the estate for the financial and emotional toll a fatal truck accident causes.

Fatal truck accidents often involve multiple parties, making the legal process more complex. It's not just the truck driver who may be at fault—other entities, such as the trucking company or cargo handlers, could also share responsibility. Our team of attorneys will thoroughly investigate your case to identify all liable parties.

How an Orlando Wrongful Death Truck Accident Attorney Proves Liability in a Fatal Truck Accident Case

Fatal truck accidents often involve multiple parties, making the legal process more complex. It’s not just the truck driver who may be at fault—other entities, such as the trucking company or cargo handlers, could also share responsibility. Our team of attorneys will thoroughly investigate your case to identify all liable parties.

Here are some of the most common parties that could be held accountable in a fatal truck accident:

  • The Commercial Truck Driver: Negligence on the driver’s part may include inexperience, distracted driving, speeding, fatigue, or violations of traffic laws. If the driver was intoxicated, aggressive, or otherwise negligent, they could be held responsible for the accident.
  • The Trucking Company: Under vicarious liability, employers can be held accountable for their employees’ actions. Additionally, if the company itself was negligent—such as failing to enforce safety regulations, conducting insufficient background checks, or neglecting drug and alcohol testing—they can be pursued for damages.
  • Cargo Handlers: Incorrectly loaded or secured cargo can shift during transit, causing the driver to lose control. This can result in a fatal accident. Cargo handlers and the company responsible for loading the truck may be liable for their negligence.
  • Vehicle Owners and Maintenance Providers: If a lack of maintenance, mechanical failure, or failure to install safety features contributed to the accident, the truck’s owner or maintenance provider could be liable. We can also pursue claims against manufacturers if defective parts are involved.
  • Third-Party Motorists: Sometimes, a third-party driver’s actions may contribute to a fatal accident. If this were the case, we would work to hold them accountable.

Gathering Evidence to Support Your Wrongful Death Claim

Proving liability in a fatal truck accident requires a comprehensive approach. Our attorneys gather evidence from multiple sources to build the strongest case possible. This includes:

  • Medical records documenting your loved one’s injuries
  • Police report details the crash and any violations or witness accounts.
  • Witness statements from those present at the scene of the accident
  • Photographs and debris from the crash site
  • Crash reconstruction experts who can recreate the accident to determine fault
  • Black box data, driver logs, and dashcam footage from the commercial truck

We also work with experts in various fields to bolster your case. These experts may include accident reconstructionists, medical professionals, and economists who can calculate the full scope of financial losses incurred by your family.

According to Florida law, only the deceased person's personal representative (also known as the executor) can file a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of the estate and surviving family members. This representative is responsible for including all beneficiaries in the claim.

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Claim in Florida?

According to Florida law, only the deceased person’s personal representative (also known as the executor) can file a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of the estate and surviving family members. This representative is responsible for including all beneficiaries in the claim.

Additionally, Florida imposes a two-year statute of limitations for filing wrongful death claims. This means you must take legal action within two years of your loved one’s death. Failing to do so could result in the court refusing to hear your case, so it’s crucial to consult an Orlando wrongful death truck accident attorney as soon as possible.

Paul | Knopf | Bigger - Florida Injury Attorneys

Paul | Knopf | Bigger – Your Compassionate Orlando Wrongful Death Truck Accident Attorney

Losing a loved one in a fatal truck accident is one of the most challenging experiences anyone can face. The legal team at Paul | Knopf | Bigger supports you every step of the way, providing experienced and compassionate representation while pursuing the justice and compensation you deserve.

We operate on a contingency basis, meaning you pay nothing upfront for our services. We only collect a fee if we secure compensation for your case. Contact us today for a free consultation with an Orlando wrongful death truck accident attorney. We are committed to helping you through this difficult time.

Call or text (800) 434-4327 or fill out our online consultation form to get started.
